Who is this lady?

Friday, January 31, 2014

The One Where We Catch Up

Wow. So basically, it's been FOR-EVER since I have written a post here. This is for 2 reasons. (Neither of which is that I hate blogging or something dreadful happened and I got blog hate-mail and cried and decided I should no longer blog because let's be honest, hate-mail only happens when you have more than 10 readers and it would just make me blog more. For now, I'm still just getting Bulgarian spam messages about pot roast and other weird things.) 

So, 1) I got busy. Yeah, wahhh, get out the violin, I know. We're all busy. But I got like... scary busy. In case you don't know, Monique (the roomie) and I also work together (which, for the record, works out quite nicely and we only want to kill each other about once a week... jk Mo, I love you) and in the fall, our boss had unexpected surgery and we basically lost our minds. It was like in sad, sad movies when the girl eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner at her sad desk and only sees the sun when she looks outside. But we made it through. And now we're stronger than yesterday now there's nothing in [our] way (sung like Britney).

Then, 2) It got to a point where I was like "Well, I haven't written a post in so long, it'd be awkward if I wrote one now." But then 2 things happened. First, my roommate Julia the other night asked if I was going to blog again and I basically said what I just wrote and she was like "Uhh... it's your blog. Write whenever you want." Then, a friend posted on my Facebook wall asking what happened to this thing (Hi, Monica!). So, I will write again. And it will be awesome. 

But, let me catch you up on everything I've been up to since I last wrote. 

I took a selfie with the parentals in Santa Barbara.

I almost threw up when I saw the price on this skirt for a CHILD at a store in Malibu.

I saw New Kids on the Block in concert with my friend Katie (who just had a baby! Hi Katie and Oliver!) and it was magical.

I climbed into this sign in Sonoma, CA because I could.

I supported Amanda and her sister running their first half marathon.

I discovered how amazingly insanely tasty this is. 

I ate a lot of dinner with friends.

I celebrated my sister being done with nursing school!!!!! Congratulations, Laura, BSN, RN!

My car broke down in the middle of the 101 because my transmission basically fell out and I basically cried and then figured it out.

Note: This is not me or my car.

I watched my niece win 4 animals in a row at the claw machine.

I ran the San Francisco to Calistoga Ragnar with the best people ever. I ran up a giant mountain and in the pouring rain and it was so awful and fun we're doing a trail one in April.

I went to DC for a conference and presented and watched an IMAX movie at the Smithsonian.

I flew straight from DC to San Francisco and ran the Nike Women's Half Marathon!!! My friend Anna ran the FULL. She is awesome. This is the most attractive picture of us ever.

I ate a hummus tower with my friend Mikey (those are her jazz hands in the background).

I threw a Troop Beverly Hills themed bachelorette party for my sister and it was basically amazing. (Shoutout to Amanda for hand-making those sashes!)

Shelly and I helped Amanda and Ross pack up their entire house in 1 day so they could move to San Diego.

I visited them and their insane beast animals in San Diego and Mohawk hated having his picture taken.

I chaperoned a Kappa date party at a club in Hollywood wearing these heels.

I saw my Kappa little, Margo, and two of my other most favorite people ever before Thanksgiving when I traveled to Michigan for work. 

I had Kappa Friendsgiving with these fabuloso ladies at Christa's house, also in Michigan.

I stood by my sister and watched her marry her Marine in this gorgeous dress.

Pic below from Danielle Capito photography. Her work is amazing.

I also met this stone-cold pack of weirdos at that wedding. Not pictured: stranger who proposed marriage to me about 10 minutes after this photo was taken.

I sang with the D'Vines in Dickens-era Christmas garb, complete with bonnet.

My dad played the clarinet for us at Christmas. 

We had an ugly sweater contest.

Cheyenne and I had a diva day.

Monique and I helped (I "helped") our friends Matt and Nicole (who blogs over at Treasure Tromp) move into their apartment and it took my entire stockpile of willpower to not yell Pivot!!!! as they were moving the couch up the stairs.

I played Clue on SEGA. (And Lion King. And Sonic. You know you're jealous.)

And, finally, we took new pictures for our office website. This is my favorite. Since we are now an all-female office, we decided we needed a female power pose. Success??

WHEW. So there ya have it. That's been my life. We are also having a re-wear your bridesmaid dress party tonight so I have to go get ready. And by "get ready" I mean drink champagne and eat chips and salsa in preparation. 

NancePants, over and out!